Does point gravity for mesh data particles work?

Does it work? I mean when i use it with GPU particles - everything is fine, but not with meshes - why?

P.S. point attractor works fine, but im still wondering why there is gravity then…

I just verified the point attractor works with a mesh emitter. Make sure you check the Affect Base Velocity check box…


Also, you can set a fall-off for the attraction with the Range settings and use Acceleration with a negative Z value to act as gravity.

I am having trouble with the gravity attractor, we will look into it.

Just tried this myself, gravity doesn’t work - but point attractor does. Trying to make a particle effect similar to Sonic’s rings exploding and then coming back down.

You can use Acceleration/Constant Acceleration (make sure it is in world space) to pull your particles down in Z. This how we typically handle it.

If you want to make an actor for your rings with a Blueprint you can set your Acceleration Distribution to a particle parameter, and then set a variable in your Blueprint to control the gravity on all the actors globally.

Sorry please refer to the 2nd answer I posted above.

That worked perfectly! Thank you

I verified with our Engine team, the gravity attractor only works with GPU particles currently. The fact that you can place the module in the stack with a mesh emitter is a bug. I am filing a bug in our database.

Thank you!