Text Render not showing in-game

Hello guys.

I’ve creared a Trigger Box with a Text Render (that is initially set to Invisible)
Very simple: I want the Text Render to show up only when I’m INSIDE the Trigger Box.
I did this by doing so:

Trigger Box Blueprint: http://prntscr.com/8u65gr and http://prntscr.com/8u65oz
In-game: http://prntscr.com/8u660n

When I overlap the trigger box, the Text Render doesn’t show up.

Are the overlap events firing?
Tip: You don’t need the branch on the second picture

UP! Please

I updated http://prntscr.com/8uds1s
What you mean for “are the overlap events firing?”

I just realized, “toggle” is not the best way to handle that. Use “Set visible” to true or false, instead of toggling it.

If you right click on the event node, and press “Insert breakpoint”, then run the game in-editor, the game will pause when that event is fired, (if selected)

Ok i edited the TriggerBox blueprint: http://prntscr.com/8ujjgr
Nothing happens, same problem.

Also, I added a breakpoint on the ReceiveActorBeginOverlap_Copy but then I overlap the TriggerBox, nothing happens

Right, it is because those events won’t ever fire, they are copies: Simply put the correct event there (Space bar > Add Event > Begin Overlap)

Also make sure that “generate overlap events” is ticked.
Plus, you don’t need the branch on there, simply go from the upper set visibility to the upper callbutton, and the other one to the remaining calbutton

Nothing… these are the screen:

TriggerBox Viewport: http://prntscr.com/8uk1dy
TriggerBox EventGraph: http://prntscr.com/8uk1lz
Level Blueprint: http://prntscr.com/8uk1ua

Both off your toggle visibility nodes are unchecked and set to false. Set the top one from false to true.

  • on the triggerbox in the game I noticed you probably have “Actor Hidden in Game” CHECKED under rendering

  • so UNCHECK hidden in game and then you can see that text…

  • but gotta set collision component (trigger box) as hidden in game CHECKED.

  • but keep this off otherwise you’ll see a big selection box type thing in game…

  • & set “editor billboard scale” to ZERO

  • or you’ll see that in game…

  • on the triggerbox in the game I noticed you probably have “Actor Hidden in Game” CHECKED under rendering

  • so UNCHECK hidden in game and then you can see that text…

  • but gotta set collision component (trigger box) as hidden in game CHECKED.

  • but keep this off otherwise you’ll see a big selection box type thing in game…

  • & set “editor billboard scale” to ZERO

  • or you’ll see that in game…