How can I make a character not rotate while using click to move?

I am trying to make my character not turn while moving. I want him to be stationary and change sprites instead. The blueprint I’m using is the top down blueprint. I like click to move, but I just want it to change sprites rather than rotate. Please tell me how to do this, I can’t seem to find out what part of which blueprint is making him rotate.


Go into the character BP and see if “Use Control Rotation / Use Controller Yaw” are true in the defaults section. If they are turn them off and see if that does what you’re after.

Here’s the blueprint for movement. This is the only one, I’m not sure what exactly is making him rotate.

Again: “Go into the character BP and see if “Use Control Rotation / Use Controller Yaw” are true in the defaults section. If they are turn them off and see if that does what you’re after.”

I’m either looking in the wrong spot or it isn’t enabled.

Then click the “CharacterMovement” on the far left; Scroll down to orient rotation to movement" and make sure everything there is set to false and 0.

Yeah all of those are turned off.


In your character BP, select your characters sprite and in Transform section change Relative Rotation to World.