Big performance hit when spawning static meshes from blueprint?

My setup is as follows:

The array contains 160 vector entries and the mesh that i’m spawning is a simple quad. I’ve tried manually copying the same mesh in engine by hand hundreds and hundreds of times and no performance hit. Any help is appreciated !

I haven’t found an answer but using instanced static meshes instead of just static meshes fixed it for me

Still using the above setup but instanced static meshes instead of just static meshes. If I have 160 entries in my array when I hit play my computer stops for a few seconds; if I have 960 entries in the array unreal crashes. I’ve seen people running loops with thousands of entries so why am I getting this ? Is spawning 1000 meshes really that heavy on the engine or am I doing something wrong ?

Found out what was wrong, I was spawning meshes with the “Loop body” “ForEachLoop” output instead of the “Completed” one ! Basically I was spawning thousands of meshes … oh well