Is it possible to create Enemy AI in ue4 with blueprints?

Hey guys just wondering if it is possible to create enemy AI (Artificial Intelligence) in blueprints. If it is possible can anyone give me a link to a tutorial or documentation.

Short answer is yes. There is a basic version for the butterfly behaviour on the “Blueprint office” map on marketplace.

Thanks, I will check out the “Blueprint Office”.

IF no one answers I will put the creepiest thing ever onto the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

you might want to have a look at this thread

also check out the shooter game demo, the bots are hard as h*ll

Yes, I’m using behavior trees to control cat and now as well mouse behavior in a game, blueprints only. The documentation isn’t complete for it yet. If your game has several areas you need to develop besides AI you may want to wait until they finish the tutorials to work on the AI and just assume that it will be done at some point.

Additionally, you want to look into Behavior Trees as they are how Epic is handling AI I believe.

Yeah well I actually plan on doing all the level design and stuff first, I was just wondering if UE4 already had a blueprints AI documentation or tutorial.

The functionality is there, you can do it all in Behavior Trees with Blueprints. The documentation is not there.

Hey definitely give this tutorial series a chance. It covers most of the angles you need to create a sophisticated AI. Unreal Engine 4 AI Behavior Tree & NavMesh - Part 1/5 - YouTube