Cannot convert from UPaperFlipbookComponent * to USceneComponent *

I’m using

void AActor::AttachRootComponentTo(USceneComponent* InParent, FName InSocketName, EAttachLocation::Type AttachLocationType /*= EAttachLocation::KeepRelativeOffset */, bool bWeldSimulatedBodies /*=false*/)

inside an actor to attach itself to a UPaperFlipbookComponent like this

AttachRootComponentTo(MyUPaperFlipbookComponent*, SomeSocketName, SomeAttachLocationType);

but the compiler keeps complaining about

error C2664: 'void AActor::AttachRootComponentTo(USceneComponent *,FName,EAttachLocation::Type,bool)' : cannot convert argument 1 from 'UPaperFlipbookComponent *' to 'USceneComponent *'

I checked doc and made sure that USceneComponent is a parent class of UPaperFlipbookComponent. Am I missing something here? Any help is appreciated.

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ahh Never mind. Forgot to include the proper header file

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