Player Start Question?

I have a cube on my level that IS the player. It’s all math and grid based. No physics.
I have the player setup in the level EXACTLY how I want…i don’t really want a player start.

But if it is in the world, there will be ANOTHER player character where ever it is.
Is there a way to tell the game to use the player character ALL READY placed in the world from the beginning?

hi, there is no reason to avoid the playerstart as it is integrated in gamemode and very handy and flexible.
you can add as many playerstarts you need, subclass it for customising and there are overridable functions in gamemode you might want to override.

checkout this tutorial by me, its german but you can see what i mean

Thank you for responding!! :slight_smile:
I ucant get through the video…I can’t understand and I can;t seem to locate what i’m looking for but…
once again…Is there a way to make the game start where I place the player in the game and not the player start?

Player pawn is spawned by gamemode, go in your gamemode and Click on overridables next to the bp functions/variables. Then override the choose playerstart to customize it. I’m pretty sure you can check the spawn as spectator flag in gamemode and then manually posses your placed character. But I would do it the “unreal way” as I never has a reason to avoid it. After understanding how it works, it’s really easy and you can do it however you want it.
Best wishes

I see what you’re saying. I’m not getting an override option in my game mode by the function tab. Is there something I’m doing wrong??

hi, its an override button next to the button when you add a new function…
sorry for just posting the video, but watch this part and you see what button i mean

i needed to update to 4.9. that made the override button appear. TANKS!!!