Linux Shipping Dedicated Server Lunch Failed

The development dedicated server can run expected, but shipping dedicated server lunch failed, log reported:
Using binned.
FMallocCrash overhead is 3780608 bytes
4.6.1-0+UE4 7038 3077 413 0

Why Failed?

my build command is:
Build.bat UnrealTournamentServer Linux Shipping

my cook command is:
RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project=%UTGAME%\UnrealEngine-4.6\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament.uproject ^
-noP4 -platform=Linux -clientconfig=Shipping -serverconfig=Shipping -cook -pak -server -serverplatform=Linux -noclient -nocompile -stage -archive -allmaps ^

The size of development and shipping dedicated server:

Shipping servers do not log anything (at least as of now), so this brief output is expected. If it is running, why do you think it failed?

Extremely grateful for RCL, I have checked the shipping dedicated server process, it is running correctly!