Does R9 280x run well with UE4?

I was planning to build a new PC to run UE4 but I’ve heard that the video card I want to use had some problems with the program. The r9 280x -

Does this problem still persist? If it does is there a good alternative?

Sorry I meant r9 285

Every card that supports at least Shader Model 4.0 (aka DX10 stuff) will run UE4, question is how fast enough which is subjective matter, but i think it should be OKish atleast

I would recommend going with a different GPU.

I have a R9 270X and am having a lot of problems even with the latest version of the engine. The whole Radeon 200 series seems to cause frequent crashes and some features like distant field soft shadows on directional lights are not working at all. As far as I read it’s caused by the drivers and it’s up to AMD to fix them, which doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.

Unfortunately I don’t know of any good alternative in the same price range. The GeForce GTX 770 might be worth a look.

Thanks for the suggestion! I’m leaning towards a geforce gtx 960 or 950

The GTX 960 sounds like a good pick. According to benchmarks its performance is very similar to the R9 285 and the price is comparable as well.