How can I add this?

I have in my level blueprint (first blueprint picture) nodes for calculating z distance, which is the score. I SET the score at the end of the blueprint.

I have in my widget blueprint (event graph) some nodes but I need to connect my score to the “My Character” and ToText(Int) — so the score node has to have two connections on it.

How can I implement my calculated score from the first pic, level blueprint, into my widget blueprint??

I want to have the score in my widget blueprint so that I can update the widget text box.

store a variable for the widget once created and added to viewport.
use your code to SET the text box variable, which you can access as a pin you can drag off the widget variable in the level blueprint

or follow this:

How can I bring my TargetPoint into this to connect to the getActorLocation?

Or how can I set that x,y,z coordinate of the target point to a new vector, to connect to the getActorLocation.

With this I removed my targetPoint from the level blueprint because I can just accomplish this inside the widget event graph…but somehow I need a targetPoint or vector.

This is a bad idea - perform this as per normal on your regular blueprint, and ONLY send the results to the widget.

Widgets should only be used for display.

How can I send this result to the widget? I cannot drag in the score variable.

Check this error message:

In the widget event graph I hit an error when I only have Score → Return Node (both are purple)

where you run the code, cast to “your widget name here”, drag off the result pin, and SET “insert name of your widget variable here”

Remove that. if you are casting to the value inside the widget directly from the other blueprint, you dont need the binding.
I may however need to send you a screenshot when i finish work.

Yeah when there is nothing inside the widget event graph besides score and return node, I get an error.