About Character Spawning

Hello, i try to spawn at runtime an ACharacter class based, mi script runs with any AActor class based, but if i try to use with any ACharacter class the spawn alwais returns NULL

This is my script:

MyACharacterClassBased* test = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<MyACharacterClassBased>(BlueprintVar, GetActorLocation(), GetActorRotation());

BlueprintVar is a Blueprint reference based on MyACharacterClassBased, this code runs if i try to spawn an AActor based class but not run if i try to spawn MyACharacterClassBased, returns always NULL

I call this method from my MainCharacterClass, can this be the problem? I need to change de caller of this method for other?

Thanks for reading, sorry for my bad english

Solved, i was doing wrong references, sorry for the question >.<