Overlap Events in World Composition level

So i added trigger boxes inside rooms, to toggle visibility on overlap, per the level blueprint. This seems to work in a world composition persistent level.

If i then move the actors to a sub level, move the code to the sub level blueprint, update the nodes. It no longer works.

Is this a bug or what? Thanks.

I’m a bit confused. I have a few questions that may clarify what is going on:

  • What code did you move to your sublevel?
  • Is your sublevel set to stream all the time or be called via blueprint?
  • What visibility are you toggling?
  • What specific nodes are you updating?
  • What is your end goal with the blueprints you are adjusting?
  • Can you show me a screenshot of the blueprints you are messing with?

Hi , please see attached are 2 screenshots. Once I move the nodes to the Forest level BP, it stops working.

The end goal is to trigger room lighting.

The information you are accessing is located within the persistent level. Because the sublevel is still a different level, that functionality needs to be placed within the persistent level level blueprint or the meshes you are attempting to toggle visibility on need to be located within your sublevel.

, what i tried to explain was, once i move everything into the sublevel, the blueprint code above no longer functions.

If you moved the candleholders into the sublevel you will have to re-reference them. The “get candleholder” is still referencing the persistent level, which may be why you are not seeing the function work correctly.

Yes, i also updated the node references. It won’t work when i update the references.

Can you send me a copy of your project? I can take a look to see what may be occurring.

Cannot send you the project, its 7gb.

Can you send a sample project that you can reproduce this in instead of the main project? I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end.

Sorry we messed up the World Composition, currently redoing some stuff. I strongly suspect it was causing the issue I described above. Will post here again once we have setup the landscape stuff…

Hi ,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this thread as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the updated information.

So the thing is that i have a Ultra Dynamic Lighting BP, but with World Composition, the loaded lights in a sub level can not reference the UD BP in the other level. The solution is to create for each root level an independent UD BP.

no…no it’s not. Make a global reference to the UD BP in game mode or game instance or something. That is a huge waste of resources having all those skyspheres