Offsetting a Spawned Actor?

Hello Everyone,

im new to Blueprinting and all the logic behind it,

i have manged to make Character to Spawn an explosion on his location but i’d like to offset this explosion in the Y Direction but im not quit sure

i tried vector addition but its not working …

Best Regards,

Everything looks ok for me, maybe 25 is too small to see the diffrence?

yeh i figured that out after >><<
Thanks a lot brother =D

it’s spawning without considering the direction of where the character is facing,

any ideas?

So 25 is too small; p

As for rotation, you can rotate a offset vector based on rotator which you can get using “get actor rotation”, not sure how it is called in blueprint just search rotate

i have tried the get actor rotation right in that rotation node, surprisingly it did nothing …

You can use the “Get Actor Forward Vector” node to get the direction the actor is facing. Then multiply that by the amount you want to offset, and add that to the actor’s location.