Moving Particle emitters, particle flicker/overlapping

Cant really explain it better than that…
I created a particle system and used 5 of them to rotate around the player.
As long as the particle systems arent moving (trough blueprint) they behave as expected.
No particles in the background try to compete with the ones in front of them.
but as soon as the emitter itself starts moving… particles in the background will start “fighting” with the ones in the foreground.

I have tried all the sorting options, none are any help lessening this problem.
I tried playing with tranlucency passes, temporal AA and the likes… nothing.

Any suggestions on how to make them particles not clip/fight/flicker on top of eachother is appreciated.


hmm, (dynamic) transparancy priority sorting seems to fix it.
Problem solved!

Guess (with some help of hourences) I got it solved.

How did you set your transparency priority sorting to be dynamic? I have a similar problem going on right now.

I cant remember exactly, as its been a while.
Actual dynamic priority sorting wasnt working, we set up this massive elaborate blueprint that sorts multiple emitters depending on camera distance… but when one of the emitters suddenly move behind another, you can see the particles swap sorting places.

One way to solve it is to have all the particle effects in the same emitter, which sometimes can be tedious.
another way is by setting the sorting order in blueprint.

When I have a little more time, Ill screenshot some stuff for you.

Roger. Right now I just hijacked mine manually, kind of like you explained it. I think I’ll put it all in one emitter and give that a shot and see if its any smoother.

Thanks for the reply.

Hello guys I’ve just had same problem. I fixed it by UNCHECKING “separate transucency” in material properties of my particle material.

Hello guys I’ve just had same problem. I fixed it by UNCHECKING “separate transucency” in material properties of my particle material.

In the Spawn section, select (TURN ON) Use Local Space-------------- DONE!

To others who are experiencing flickering or z-fighting with a single emitter with translucent materials (or to myself who might forget this within a few weeks), there are sorting options in the sprite renderer settings of the emitter that can fix this.

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in particle material , this one seems need to be off .
