How to reference ParticleEffect set in BP editor

How would I go about referencing different particle effects that were set in the BP editor?

Specifically, I’d like to create a TArray that would describe health level, and a reference pointer to the particle effect to trigger once the actor health fell below the health level:

struct FMyParticleEffect

    float HealthLevel;

    FName ParticleSystemName;

    bool isActivated;

The TSubclassOf doesn’t work, and I haven’t tried TAssetPtr types yet, but I thought I would ask if this is possible first.

Basically I want to be able to add several different particle effects to my actor/pawn in the BP editor, then set an initial health, and as the health drops trigger the particle effects at the appropriate time in C++.

My work around was to use the Health Level along with an FName that matched the ParticleSystemComponent name. Then on taking damage I’m searching for a match and activating it:

float AMyPawn::TakeDamage(float DamageAmount, struct FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent, AController* EventInstigator, AActor* DamageCauser)
    FColor DisplayColor = FColor::Yellow;
    const FString DebugMessage(GetName() + " - taking damage");
    GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, DisplayColor, DebugMessage);

    CurrentHealth -= FMath::Abs(DamageAmount);

    const TArray<UActorComponent*>& theComponents = GetComponents();
    int32 componentCount = theComponents.Num();

    int32 effectCount = Effects.Num();
    for (int32 x = 0; x < effectCount; x++)
        if (!Effects[x].isActivated && Effects[x].HealthLevel > CurrentHealth)
            for (int32 y = 0; y < componentCount; y++)
                UParticleSystemComponent* effect = Cast<UParticleSystemComponent>(theComponents[y]);
                if (effect)
                    if (effect->GetFName().Compare(Effects[x].ParticleSystemName) == 0)
                        Effects[x].isActivated = true;

    if (CurrentHealth <= 0.0f)

    return DamageAmount;