Edit the widget of an 3d Widget


I have a 3D widget element in my world, which contains an 2d widget. It should work like a scroll box / list.

Because I load the strings dynamically, I want to change the strings in the list. Actually my 2D widget include things like a scroll box or buttons, can not be changed. I can not call any functions on my 2d widget and can not change the variable. I can not get my 2D widget of my 3D widget, because he says a connection between them is incompatible.

How can I interact with my 2D widget?


In your BP, get a reference to your widget component and drag off a wire and then select ‘Get User Widget Object’. Now cast that to your 2D widget blueprint and now you can interact with it :slight_smile:

I hope that is what you meant.

Thank you! Works perfect :slight_smile:

Hi, can you show me a screen shot of the blueprints for this
