Line trace from projectile not colliding with skeletal mesh

Hi I am shooting an arrow projectile and on overlap with the target characters capsule collider I perform a capsule trace by channel, but the capsule trace from the projectile goes straight through the skeletal mesh of the target and doesn’t register a collision. My target characters capsule collider is set up with pawn collision and the skeletal mesh is setup using ragdoll collision. The projectile has the collision shown in the image below. I am currently using 4.9.2. Is there something that I am missing? I have been working on it for a while and just cant get it!

Have you checked if “Auto weld” is set to off? I think that might be the explanation. If it’s on, it will inherit some settings like Physics and Collision settings from Parent components.

I have set Auto Weld to off and I still have the same problem.