How do I install Epic Laucher on to a separate hard drive?

I tried various times downloading my launcher to my Z drive which is my secondary bulk hard drive, but the download always downloads to my C (primary) SSD which only really houses my OS. I have tried to change the download location in the installation, but no matter where I tell it to download, it always goes straight to my C drive. The big problem here is that if it gets downloaded onto my C drive, I don’t have enough space for UE4. Is there any simple way to get the launcher to download to my secondary drive, so that I can install UE4?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Captain!

Are you wanting to install both the launcher and UE4 on the secondary drive or are you trying to have the launcher on your primary and the engine on your secondary?

Ideally install the launcher on my SSD (primary), but I will settle with putting it on my secondary if I have to.

Hello Captain!

I believe this link will answer your question. It will also provide some direction should you choose to install the launcher and the engine on different drives.

I tried to do what they wanted in the thread you gave me, but the problem is that my SSD is so full of my OS and primary programs that I cannot install the Unreal Engine on it so I have nothing to move to another drive. I tried moving the launcher to see if that helped, but it did not. Is there any other way?

Hi Captain!

In order to install the launcher on another drive, you must first uninstall the existing version on your computer. Once the launcher has been removed, run the installer again. It should now allow you to select a different drive for your installation.

If you have tried this and it is not working, please let me know.

Hi Captain,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that I mentioned above then post back here with the requested info.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask.

You can use a symbolic link to the new location. A symbolic link is totally transparent to the filesystem and any program.
(Don’t confuse it with a simple link or otherwise called a "shortcut)
There is an old blog post -view it here- about moving the vault out of the launcher to gain space in Windows system disk / partition (C: usually)
Since then the vault can be moved from the launcher configuration settings, the gear wheel at the top right.

But I figured why create yet another Epic Games location, why not move the whole Launcher and gain that much extra space, for which job the symbolic link remains an elegant solution.

For this example the installation was typical UE4.16.2, meaning “Epic Games” (containing the Launcher) folder directly under C:\ and the Engine executables, binaries and program files, under “C:\Program Files” So modifying the instruction set from the old blog :

  • go to your [GameEngineInstallFolder] eg.“Epic Games”, container folder, eg. C:\
  • copy the folder to the desired position (other drive, network storage), eg. D:\Epic Games
  • rename original to something else, eg “C:\bak.Epic Games” (delete later, better safe than sorry)
  • start the cmd.exe (terminal) with administrator privileges (right mouse, start as admin)
  • change directory to original [GameEngineInstallFolder] container, eg. C:\
  • in the old location, create the symbolic link to your new location, e.g. (in C:) mklink /D “Epic Games” “D:\Epic Games"

That’s it!
The new location is transparent to the file system (it “thinks” it’s still in C drive), so do not change any shortcuts to the Launcher executional, either pinned on your Taskbar, Start menu, your desktop or wherever else! These should still point to C:\ location, see the properties of my desktop shortcut, as an example :

Now delete the old VaultCache folder and free up your drive :slight_smile:

Hi there, I have the same problem and I haven’t been able to do it, because in the epic games installer it only shows the c:, when I want to install it on f: