Socket translation problem

Hi, there is an annoying bug where the axis reference blocks the ability to translate on one or more axis, which turns socket placement into a chore because i have to position the camera in such a way (usually is zooming up a lot) so the reference doesn’t interfere with the translation gizmo.

In this example i can’t use the X axis because it’s being blocked by the reference, the Z and Y are partially blocked, but i can still use them.

Hi ,

I was not able to reproduce this in UE4.9.2 as shown here:


In the image, the x axis is shown selected, highlighted in yellow despite being behind a socket. If this does not represent the problem you are experiencing, please let me know how I can reproduce the issue properly in order to report it as a bug.



It depends on the angle where i’m looking at the socket, sometimes it allows me to select the axis, sometimes it doesnt, but usually it happens when it’s behind geometry of the mesh.

Ok it think i have a way to replicate. This issue mostly happens when you attach a preview mesh in it and when you’re translating in local coordinate system (there might be other use cases where this happens, for example, on the image of my first post i don’t have a preview mesh and it was the same issue). I’ve created a [test project][1] that you can try. Simply open the mannequin and select the thigh_lSocket, put it in translation mode and in local coordinate system, then move the camera to match the following position (some positions work, others simply dont allow you to select an axis) :

Hi ,

I tried to recreated the issue with your file, virtually duplicating the image above. At first I thought we had a repro because if I selected the green bar, for instance, it would deselect all. However, after playing around with it a bit, I found that if you hover your mouse over the direction arrow (as seen in your image above) until the arrow highlights yellow, then it is perfectly selectable and moves easily in both local and world space. This would be expected behavior.

Please try this and let me know if it not the same for you.



The problem is that from certain angles i can’t select the arrow :S I have to get really close, almost inside the preview mesh to be able to do that, which is not very practical. On my side it’s very easy to replicate the issue, if you want i can make a video or something like that so you have more information.

Yes, since I’m having trouble reproducing this if you could make a short video demonstrating the problem, then I will use this as evidence to enter a bug report.

Here’s the video, i first demonstrate that using World reference works, but as soon as i switch it to Local the individual axis stop working (The 2 axis move works) unless i get inside of the mesh.

Hi ,

Thanks for posting the video clarifying the issue. I was able to reproduce the issue of not being able to select the translation arrows of the gizmo while in local space mode. I have used your example to enter the following bug report: UE-23896. Once it has been addressed, we will notify you and the Answerhub community with an update to this post.


Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I’ve updated to 4.11 and still have the problem and i think it got worse because translating in world space now does that too which it makes it really difficult to position things with sockets overall :S Any news on this? Thank you.

This ticket is still open, however, there is no estimated time of completion. When it has been verified as fixed, we will update this post.

That’s unfortunate :frowning: Thank you for the update. Hope this gets fixed soon :slight_smile:

Hi ,

After testing in UE4.12.5 this seems to be fixed (I’ve tested with your provided test project and a brand new project.) Please try UE4.12.5 and see if this issue still persists on your end.



Thank you for the follow-up, but i tested it on 12.5 from the launcher and it still has the problem :frowning:

OK, I was able to reproduce this when zoomed in almost exactly at the point shown in the last image in this thread. However, zooming out slightly or zooming in to the point where the box is no longer visible (because the camera is inside it) resulted in the Translation arrows being selectable when moused over and I was able to adjust the socket location. Please try again and see if you do not get the same results -thanks.

OK, I was able to reproduce this when zoomed in almost exactly at the point shown in the last image in this thread. However, zooming out slightly or zooming in to the point where the box is no longer visible (because the camera is inside it) resulted in the Translation arrows being selectable when moused over and I was able to adjust the socket location. Please try again and see if you do not get the same results -thanks.

Adjusting the camera usually works, but sometimes i have to go all the way inside (where i’m too close to see anything around me to see if it’s properly placed) or way far out (where i’m too far away to see if it’s properly placed) to be able to select the arrows. In some cases it works fine, but in others it doesn’t and it makes fine placing sockets probably the worst user experience i’ve had in the engine so far.

Thanks for responding… this bug was closed as “cannot reproduce.” I will add this information and re-open the bug report.

Thank you, keep me posted :slight_smile: