Pressing key toggle in the menu

Im working on a pause function. I created a bool called “open menu” when its ticked it shows the menu with no problem and when its not ticked it doesnt show the menu which is what i wanted. The next step is trying to fix it where when i press a certain key toggle the menu . Do anyone have a way of doing this ? Im not sure how to call functions from other blueprints. But attached i will show you what i have :

when i press “P” it the print string works. But the question is what would i do to make it tick or untick the open menu event from the HUD class ?

I’m not sure if this helps but the Marketplace ‘Content Examples’ project has a level you can load that has a basic HUD example. It gives you the ability to press a button to activate a menu which pauses the game.

The example also has a basic health-bar and objective system.