Character Models/Creation?

Hey Community!
Just a quick question regarding Character meshes, and anything regarding their importing into Unreal…
I’ve been wanting to start modeling, or Making NPC/cgharacter models for awhile now, But I’m unsure what program or tools would serve me best.

I see alot of tutorials, and I mean ALOT, for basic character modeling in the standard programs like Maya,3DS, Modo and mudbox and such, but the question arises…
Is there any program that can get me close to the body type and or look im wanting, such as a generator,then edit the textures, add and define animations in another program if needed and then import to unreal?
The issue is, the time needing to sculpt a high quality Human model is stuff of the gods.
Anyone understand where I’m going with this?
Thanks for your understanding and patience.

You can take a look at Mixamo Fuse, which you can download here:

or MakeHuman, which can be found here: