What is the difference between making soemthing a Literal and not?

I haven’t had much experience programming, yet I seem to be getting the hang of Unreal Engine 4 and Blueprint quite well.

One thing I don’t understand however, is the “Make Literal” node. What does making a value literal do? What will happen if I do or don’t make a value literal? When should I make a value literal?

I’ve only ever seen a value made literal a handful of times in tutorials, but it’s never explained what making a literal does or why a value is made into a literal.

All help appreciated!

All Programming languages contain basic types like int, float, string, bool and e.t.c. To make one of them in UE4 is simple function “make literal” for all of them. This creates simple types and If you want to create one of this type in run time, you need to use this functions.