How can I get all Actors on the Screen drawn by a SceneCaptureComponent?

Hello, im trying to get all the actors that have been drawn by a SceneCaptureComponent2D, and comparing different attributes like: “is it centered?”, “how big is it rendered?”, “is there a margin to the texture borders?”. Pretty much like the camera system of Pokemon Snap, just to give you a reference.

While searching the engine code and component functions i didn’t find anything that would help me doing that.

Basically it should be enough to convert some 3D Vectors to a 2D Vector drawn by the Scene Capture Component. But the only method i’ve found to ask if an actor is on the screen, is by comparing its LastRenderTime, but this only gives me the Actors rendered by the main camera.

Any of your suggestions would help a lot.


Hi, I can’t answer the main question, but for knowing how centered an actor is maybe you could use the Deproject() function and compare the position of actors relatively to the screen dimensions, and maybe a Trace from the camera focus would help with the relative scale/size of the actors in the capture. Just general suggestions, I don’t really know if they are the best way to achieve that, as I haven’t used much C++ with UE4 for now.

Hello Albert,
Thanks for your reply, that really helped! Deproject / Project was actually the keyword i was looking for. For now i used the AHud::Project function to get the Actor Bounds in screen dimensions.

Is there a possibility to do the same thing for a Scene rendered by the Scene Capture Component?