Foilage culling

I’m having some issues with aggressive culling of foliage. I have turned off every type of culling I know of, but some foliage still gets culled very early, while other stay visible even at a large distance.

With all the various attributes everywhere it’s hard to narrow down exactly what’s causing it, but I believe I might have narrowed down a lot of it down to having to do with scaling:

As mentioned, some of my foliage will cull out very early with camera distance. This happens both using the Procedural Foilage Spawner, as well as with the foliage paint tool. For some reason this seems to be tied to the scaling of the foliage. If I increase the scale of my foliage in the Foilage Type node, it will still cull at the same distance as without adjusting scale, which seems very strange as I would have thought culling would be tied to pixel coverage. Placing the same foliage out as a regular Static Mesh, there’s none of this distance culling. If I re export the geometry from Maya at 100x scale, and set the foliage to be 1/100 of the previous scale, it now stays visible at way larger distance, even though it visually is the same size.

Could this be a bug?

Are there culling settings that I might be missing that’s also factoring in here?

I’m working on pre rendered in engine cinematics, so framerates and performance isn’t really an issue, so I would love to be able to cut back on as many optimizations that cause visual artifacts as possible.


Hello nordahl,

Would you provide me with some screenshots so I can take a look at your foliage culling distances and settings?

Thank you,