SetViewTargetWithBlend - set New View Target to actor?

How can I set an actor (which is to be spawned after some event, so it is not already on the map) to the New View Target of the SetViewTargetWithBlend?

It will have a camera component inside the actor blueprint, so I’m just trying to get reference of this actor to set to New View Target so it becomes the focus point of the camera to become active, after the event has occurred (the actor spawns right before this event occurs)

My call event needs a target but I am not sure for what. Nothing connects to it.

After this point, I add the SET location and put that into my bp, attach it to transform on spawnActor

Can you please post a screenshot of what you have tried so far?

From what i understand you can use the player controller to activate/deactivate a death-cam BP. Create a custom event in your player controller, then call that event’s function in the BP where you are killing(destroying) the player right before you destroy it. Now using that event spawn your camera BP(SpawnActor), set it’s location to the player’s death location(i remember that you asked and hopefully achieved to do this by now) and then set view target with blend(you dont need to plug a target as you are doing this in player controller anyway. Now when you respawn the player set view target with blend again(get and plug player controller to target if you are doing this in another BP) and then get player pawn > plug the pawn to New Target and thats it.

I’m running into many problems with this. My custom event, called inside the blueprint where the destroyActor is, needs a target.

I can get the player location but I cannot set it to setViewTargetWithBlendSpace.

Also if I am spawning an object (with a camera component) in place of the player’s death, that has a location of itself, which I could use. But I’m not trying to respawn my player, only snap a camera to its death location (or where the spawned object would be) because on death my camera view gets messed up. So I am in need of a new camera to view the spawned object w/ camera component which is in place of the player’s death location, spawned in right after death.

I could create the event inside my level blueprint or my actorBlueprint because I am leaving it blank, or rather not having the event in any of them, until I need setViewTargetWithBlend. But I do utilize its set ability inside of the destroyActor blueprint.

If I can spawn the actor with the camera component,
is there a way to set the camera view to that specific camera?

As i said, if you do this in player controller BP you can spawn your camera BP at the death location of your player and then use the blue pin of the spawnactor node as your new target. The set view with blend gets the first camera actor of the BP you attach to it so you dont need to worry about attaching the camera of your BP to it.

Any suggestions?

You arent listening to what i’ve been saying though. :frowning: Spawn the camera BP and attach it to set view target in player controller BP, not level blueprint. Then you can find the custom event’s function by getting the player controller in your “destroy player” bp > cast to your player controller > call the custom events function.

I got it all to work in the actorBlueprint b/c it had the destroyActor, the onComponentHit event, and it was where my player controller was so I could set a vector variable for death position and connect that to the spawnActorFromClass, which was spawned to that position.

Thank you