[STEAM]Game crashing on OnlineSubsystem GetIdentityInterface

Hello people, I’m trying to use the OnlineSubsystem just for the sake of learning and was trying to copy and learn some of the stuff used in the ShooterGame example. As of now I just want to show on screen the achievements, I set up steam with the steam test app (appId: 480) and can see the Steam overlay on the screen so I guess it’s working. Now, on my screen when I hit a button I create an object of an achievements class which is the responsible for showing the achievements. The thing is that when I click said button the game just crashes with a fatal error and not a single description of what could be the cause, however on the output logs I see the following

LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can't start an online game for session (Game) that hasn't been created

And thought it might be related so I decided to create a session on blueprints before instancing the achievements class and still no luck.
I managed to isolate the issue by commenting line by line until I hit the line of the problem which is where I get the Identity Interface, again, the game just crashes on that line so I don’t know what would be the cause.

Do I need to create a session just to see the achievements? if so, why is my logic not working.

Here’s my logic.

Here’s my achievements class definition:

#include "Object.h"
#include "OnlineSubsystem.h"
#include "OnlineAchievementsInterface.h"
#include "OnlineIdentityInterface.h"
#include "Achievements.generated.h"

class PROJECTMARIO_API UAchievements : public UObject

	IOnlineSubsystem* SubsystemInstance;
	IOnlineAchievementsPtr AchievementsInterface;



	* Called when the read achievements request from the server is complete
	* @param PlayerId The player id who is responsible for this delegate being fired
	* @param bWasSuccessful true if the server responded successfully to the request
	void OnQueryAchievementsComplete(const FUniqueNetId& PlayerId, const bool bWasSuccessful);

	* Reads achievements to precache them before first use
	void QueryAchievements();
	void DummyShowAchievements(const bool bWasSuccessful);

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Online")
		void ShowAchievements();

and the actual implementation:

#include "ProjectMario.h"
#include "Achievements.h"

	/*SubsystemInstance = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
	if (SubsystemInstance)
		AchievementsInterface = SubsystemInstance->GetAchievementsInterface();

void UAchievements::QueryAchievements()
	ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0)->Player);
	if (LocalPlayer && LocalPlayer->GetControllerId() != -1)
		/** Making sure we got the onlinesubsystem **/
		if (!SubsystemInstance)
			SubsystemInstance = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "No online sub");

		if (SubsystemInstance)
			/** Make sure we got the player **/
			IOnlineIdentityPtr Identity = SubsystemInstance->GetIdentityInterface();
			if (Identity.IsValid())
				/** Make sure the player controller actually exists **/
				TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId> UserId = Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId());
				if (UserId.IsValid())
					if (!AchievementsInterface.IsValid())
						AchievementsInterface = SubsystemInstance->GetAchievementsInterface();
					if (AchievementsInterface.IsValid())
						AchievementsInterface->QueryAchievements(*UserId.Get(), FOnQueryAchievementsCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UAchievements::OnQueryAchievementsComplete));

						GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Invalid achievements interface");

				GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Invalid Identity");
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "No online sub");
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Not Local player");


void UAchievements::OnQueryAchievementsComplete(const FUniqueNetId& PlayerId, const bool bWasSuccessful)

	if (bWasSuccessful)

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Successful onquery");
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Not successful onquery");

void UAchievements::DummyShowAchievements(const bool bWasSuccessful)
	if (bWasSuccessful)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Sucess getting achievements \n");
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "List of Achievements are \n");
		TArray<FOnlineAchievement> OutAchievements;

		ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0)->Player);
		if (LocalPlayer && LocalPlayer->GetControllerId() != -1)
			/** Making sure we got the onlinesubsystem **/
			if (!SubsystemInstance)
				SubsystemInstance = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();

			if (SubsystemInstance)
				/** Make sure we got the player **/
				IOnlineIdentityPtr Identity = SubsystemInstance->GetIdentityInterface();
				if (Identity.IsValid())
					/** Make sure the player controller actually exists **/
					TSharedPtr<const FUniqueNetId> UserId = Identity->GetUniquePlayerId(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId());
					if (UserId.IsValid())
						if (!AchievementsInterface.IsValid())
							AchievementsInterface = SubsystemInstance->GetAchievementsInterface();
						if (AchievementsInterface.IsValid())
							AchievementsInterface->GetCachedAchievements(*UserId.Get(), OutAchievements);

		for (FOnlineAchievement& Achievement : OutAchievements)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, Achievement.ToDebugString());

		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "debug msg");

void UAchievements::ShowAchievements()

I’m also attaching the logs:


I attached the log to my question, it doesn’t seem to give any information other than the Steam log warning I wrote.

Do I need to create a session just to see the achievements?

No. A session is just to have it available for matchmaking, invites, etc.

What is the log associated with the crash?

Yeah, that’s not very helpful. Double check that you have everything setup properly for Steam

That error is really a red herring. It happens during StartMatch which in turn tries to start the session. If you haven’t previously created a session, that error happens. Ignore it. It’s not the problem you are looking for.


LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can’t start an online game for session (Game) that hasn’t been created

this error appears for absolutely no reason. Even when game hosts/joins perfectly fine. I’m having tonnes of trouble diagnosing Steam errors as well, as there are hardly any clue to the failure of it. So just sharing some info here. This is most likely not the cause of the crash.

So, the code itself should work?
I’m going to attach here my DefaultEngine.ini to see if it’s a setup problem (I copied it to a .txt file so I could upload)
I also have a .txt document on my build folder called steam_appid.txt and it’s contents are just 480… other than that I don’t remember setting up something else.
The steam overlay works and I make sure steam is running before playing the game.