Camera rotation during matinee goes wild!

OK, I know that title will sound crazy :slight_smile: but seriously if I add multiple keys in the matinee sequence by just changing the location of the camera using the world editor and clicking “add key” the rotation track tends to go fruity.

Doing the same thing by pressing the camera icon on the camera group (which should really be called a track surely?) and moving the camera around by “driving” the view and clicking add key works fine.

Repro steps…

Add a matinee sequence. Add a camera group. Add a key for the first transform of the camera. Move the timeline forward some and move the camera using the world editor tools (translate and rotate it), click add key again. When you scrub the timeline the camera twirls around as it translates along the track, like the rotation between the keys is being interpolated using an incorrect timescale or something. Essentially the camera spins around violently as it translates.

Select the Movement track then in the options panel down below enable “Use Quat Interpolation.” It will effect the key transitions a little bit but that should get rid of the crazy waltzing of the camera. I don’t know why it happens though.

Hmm, I’d have thought it was using quaternion interpolations (well slerps) already. Wonder what its doing by default. Anyway thanks for the heads up, but this definitely feels like a bug (i.e. if it doesn’t work OK by default then it should be changed).

Has anyone found a solution for this besides changing to Quat Interpolation? Really annoying that I can’t have my smooth transitions.

Hey so I just discovered that if you go into the ‘Tracks’ editor where you see you camera. Underneath it you have two options for the movement and the FOVAngle.
Right click on the movement and select ‘Split translation and rotation’
This will give you curves for both your translation and rotation

This explains it

I hope this is what you’re looking for.