Projectile was not visible, something missing?


The above is BP that I have made, but after the completion “projectile” not appear to my character Pawn but my BP is firing,what happened?? please help,thanks

Are you sure the sphere is set to visible?

im very sure…

I had a similar problem when using physics object where my Event hit was triggering even when no collision occurred. I think I got around this by setting it to custom collision but this may totally unrelated to your problem. To check if this is the case I would create a new boolean and set it after the event hit and print. The same could be done on the spawn actor to check if any actor is ever spawned.

First, check if your projectile was really spawn by print their name to the screen. If your blueprint really spawn projectile, check whether your projectile hit any object, there is a big chance your projectile hit something, most likely your character, then destroyed right after it was created. And if all those still valid, try to learn how long it live by calculate the time it hit something - the time it was created.
Also, check if your projectile static mesh was disable Hidden in game and enable Visible.

IN MY CASE.I try a lot of solutions and testers in my playgame. MY SOLUTION: In the World Settings you have an option “Kill Z” that by default has -1000 units for Kill any actor falling below of this level gets destroyed. I shotted projectiles in others directions perfectly but look down and all projectile Class spawn or spawned disappear.

But your problem would be any related with the * projectile movement. The Velocity or Category Movement Component. Check with this. The last option search the physics inussues or the Spawner blueprint.

I’m having a similar issue, did you ever resolve this?