Prefab, Errors, & Performance Hit

I had over 1,000 static meshes in my level. So I selected a few parts here and there and use prefabs, to turn them into static instances for better performance. Then I build light and loads of errors in the message log appeared. What would I do, because I never seen those errors before nor do I know how to fix them.

I think i spot some error you can fix on your own:

+) You add more than 1 skylight but only 1 can be active.

+) Check your blueprint, some of them report that their static mesh is null.

+) Invalid lightmap settings… sorry, no ideal about this errors.

I fixed the skylight problem, but how would I check the null static mesh? What am I looking for? Also, thanks for trying to help

Check your error message, it should give you the name of the blueprint you should check, such as Red_Brick_Blueprint, Metal_Fence_Blueprint,…

I looked in each blueprint and saw when I made “InstanceStaticMessh Component” as a root instead of “shared root.” It gave me all the errors. Now I’m left with those

I Know how to fix some, but not the “Zero Triangles” & “Hit performance” one