Play timeline when variable have a special value

I have a flashlight with a battery and a timeline where the light of the flashlight is flickering.
I wanna make that the timeline is played when the value of the battery is less then 10%.
I tried to do it with a branch but it doesnt worked this way. Would be glad if anybody can help me.

Branch should work if you use DoOnce before playing the timeline. Timer(or event tick, whichever you are using) > Branch(bool checks if the value is smaller than 10) Doonce > Play Timeline. And reset Doonce when you refill the battery.

I dont know why but it dont work. The light just turn off. When i do it without a branch then it works. But i dont want that this happen from the beginning.

I found the mistake. Thank you ^^
The mistake was that i made the angel conner smaller so i didnt saw it :smiley: