Why does SetViewTargetWithBlend require a camera actor and not a camera component?

A camera component by definition is wrapped by an actor and has a transform, why does it need to have it’s own unique actor? Because of this i was unable to have the camera component in the player controller be used as the viewing camera. (Which could be bad architecture, and if it is, please clarify and point out good architecture)

I agree, this would be a nice feature even if it’s a separate node that expects a camera component.

Huh? It doesn’t. The view target requires any actor, and if that actor has a camera component that will be used as the view point, otherwise the actor itself will be used.

Okay, so then my statement about architecture applies.

While this helps a lot, it still raises an issue when you have multiple camera components within a single actor and you’re trying to specify which one you’d prefer it to target.

I believe you have to toggle/activate/deactivate each camera component inside an actor. The camera control flow looks for the first active camera component in an actor designated as the view target. I’m not actually sure if this blinks the viewTarget as a hard cut between cameras. You could also look at lerping the position of one camera component to another temporarily then doing the activate/deactivate switcheroo.

I personally would look at having a group of cameras parented to an actor that holds the position/rotation of the entire group based on the character/pawn so I could blend using the set viewtarget functionality. It would be madness to manage the activation/deactivation logic for several camera components.

+10 AAA would agree again. I want to keep multiple cameras in a single blueprint/actor, and want to lerp between them. Seems I can’t have what I want without a LOT of custom lerping code? (The original camera needs to remember where to return to, too)

I have the same issue!
I can swap between cameras that are placed in the level easily, but when I’m trying to return to the Main Camera that is under my SideScrollerCharacter Blueprint, things simply don’t work.

Has anyone found a solution or a workaround so SetViewTargetwithBlend works with components?

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Yes, this is a terrible workflow. Best solution i have found is using childactors and having a blueprint wrap each camera actor in order to setup postfilter settings etc