K4U - plugi fail

I have a problem with run plugin:
Plugin 'Kinect4Unreal' failed to load because module 'Kinect4Unreal' could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up
I try "K4U_4.9.0_1.1c_Plugin " in Unreal 4.9.2 and “K4U_4.8.0_1.1c_Plugin” in Unreal 4.8.3. In both version I get this error. I try copy plugin into "C:\Epic Games\4.x\Engine\Plugins’ and into folder with my project
I have win10.

What should I do with this?

Hi, i have the same problem did u reach any solution??

The plugin requires the Kinect runtime library. Make sure that you have it installed.

At the time of this post, version 2.0 is the latest version: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44559

Hi . I need K4U plugin. The links in official website are dead.

can you help me have this plugin?