How can I get started with scripting the Editor?

I’d like to know if its possible yet, and if so how to get started with scripting the editor.

What I mean specifically is writing scripts to automate tedious functions. Ideally creating a new window that has parameter inputs and a button that executes code.

Here are some examples I want to create myself that I have created in the past for Unity:

  • Add a 6 DOP collision to all selected
    meshes in the content browser
  • Set the lightmap scale to all
    selected meshes in the content
  • Mass assign a material to selected
    objects in the world.
  • Apply a randomized offset to the position,rotation, and/or scale

According to Ray Davis and Mike Fricker in the post-GDC twitch stream it’s possible to script the editor using blueprints, but I’d be also fine with writing my own in C++. There just isn’t any info that I can find out there where to get started.

Have you tried Blutilities?