I Made My Own Turn in Place Animation Node, Works Perfect! One Polish Question

Dear Friends at Epic,

After many hours of looking through Epic .h files, since I dont have access to source code, I managed to create a fully functional Turn-in-Place animation node!

And it works perfectly!

Here’s a video!


#One Issue

I managed to create a custom color and category for my animation node

I must commend you on how well this whole system works!

It’s amazing!

Many many wonderful things coming to UE4 as more and more people get used to how easily you can add new blueprint nodes with awesome functionality!

I have issue though

#Getting Custom Property Categories to Show Up As Pins

Initially I named my properties that I want the user to see as pins with my own unique category like “VictoryTurnInPlace”

When I changed their category they no longer showed up as pins in editor, no matter what I did

#Meta Show as Pin

I made sure to include the Meta Show as Pin thing, but still, they would never show up, and there was no option to show them as pins

#Had to Use Links Category

So in my current version of my plugin, I was forced to put all my variables in the Links category, so they would show up as pins.

#Enabling Custom Property Categories to Show as Pins

How do I enable my own custom category of VictoryTurnInPlace to show up as pins in the editor?


// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once
#include "AnimNode_VictoryTurnInPlace.generated.h"

struct VICTORYTPRUNTIME_API FAnimNode_VictoryTurnInPlace : public FAnimNode_Base

	/** Base Pose*/
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links)
	FPoseLink BasePose;
	/** Turning In Place! */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links)
	FPoseLink TurnPose;
	/** How Quickly to Blend In/Out of Turn Pose */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links, meta=(PinShownByDefault))
	float TurnBlendDuration;
	/** What Amount of Turn Per Tick Qualifies for Maximum Turn Blending? Anything less per tick will result in slower Turn Blending. Result: If player turns slowly, the turn blend blends in slowly, and ramps up smoothly to max turn blend as player turns faster. */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links, meta=(PinShownByDefault))
	float TurnSpeedModifierMAX;
	/** The Lower This Number The Faster The Turn In Place Anim Will Activate */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links, meta=(PinShownByDefault))
	float TurnSensitivity;
	/** The Lower This Number The Faster The Turn In Place Anim Will Activate */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Links, meta=(PinShownByDefault) )


Hi Rama,

I can’t reproduce this here. We have a number of nodes with optional pins that use a custom category name (e.g., CopyBone introduces a category named Copy as well as the inherited Alpha value in category Settings).

Michael Noland

well sounds good then, I will wait for new beta and see how it goes for me, thanks Michael!


Hi Rama !

Any Update on your Node ?, was trying to compile this on 4.4.3 without success, can you please if there is an updated version of this code working on 4.4.3 ? or if there is any chance on make this work on my current project? (third person code base template used, without any other classes on it).
BTW. im not a programmer, im self-learning,

Thaks in advance !