Can I set TextRenderActor to 3D?

Hi, How can i set letters to be 3D instead of just 2D? Current letters dont have dept and are not visible at all on some angles.

Is ti possible to set letters like this?

And if its possible, how?

Thank you

No, text render component is only 2D it was made so it can be placed on mesh. You coukd create your own solution using letter meshes and place them in order side by side based on string using mesh components

Thank you for your answer

Hey , Could you elaborate more on how that could be done?

Well think a little, who would you do that? :stuck_out_tongue: You can create and remove components, you can measure size of components (bounding box), so you creating letter mesh component side by side based on each letter in a string and space better them s according to there invidual size. I think it’s easier to make in in C++ as it has TMap which would be useful to store mesh<->char mapping, in blueprint there defintly will be a lot of linking and i think best here would be select node for mapping character meshes.

Its an interesting idea, I may give it a shot one day.