Interactive radial button based on mouse location

I’m trying to create an interactive radio within the Blueprint system. I want it to be controlled with the mouse. You press the button and hold, dragging the button around to rotate it. The system I’ve created doesn’t work and I can’t figure out any reason why.

The location of the button’s root and the location under the mouse is connected into a “Find Look At Rotation”. I then get the X(Roll) of the rotation and place in into an “Add Relative Location”. For some the rotation works on Y and Z, but X just won’t move. the debug line is drawn correctly, the print string shows a value within X but it doesn’t rotate.

Any idea why?

Also, if you have a better way to do this please say! I believe this system won’t feel as responsive as I wish, especially for a game based around radio controls!

Ok, found that the rotation was in actually in the Pitch, I just set that to the roll variable. Problem is that it only sets the correct rotation when in the bottom left corner.

The variable just cycles through 0 to -90. Anyway to get the full 360? -180 to 180?

Well, in my knowledge, it take extra work and time to understand and put into use the rotation system you want. You may want to use AddActorRotation, the input will be based on the current mouse location and the lasted mouse location.