[4.8.3] How to Switch between AimOffsets without affecting Movement Blendspace?

How to Switch between AimOffsets without affecting Movement Blendspace?

In the idle/run section of the default state of my animation blueprint Ive set up a series of movement blendspaces that switch between between each other via a Blend by Int Node. For example: if the player has a two hand weapon then it switches to a movement blendspace with both hands carrying a weapon, and if the player has a one hand weapon it switches to a movement blendspace with one hand carrying a weapon.

After that, in the AnimGraph, I chache the pose coming from the default state and use it to pass it into a series of matching AimOffsets.(Also switched between via a Blend by Int Node)

The problem Im having is that when switching from one movement/aimoffset set to another, the movement seems to stutter. Oddly it doesn’t always happen, and when it does it does so to varying degrees. I think that switching the movement/aimoffset is reseting the animation and playing it from frame one?

Is there a way to switch between movement/aimoffset types without stuttering? Is there a better way to do what I want?

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Here is an image of how it is set up:

The top half is the movement blendspaces in the idle/run state, and the bottom half is the aimoffsets in the AnimGraph.(The last bit after the Blend by Int Node is just to set the player model’s head facing and handle turning in place)

Instead of putting all your blueprint outside where the state machine should be, have you tried putting it in the state machine for each blend space and then transitioning based on some booleans?