Onlinesubsystem null join session over lan


I got the following issue, when connecting to one of my routers at home its easy to join a game via lan, but if i use the other router it suddenly doesn’t work. I am using online subsystem null to make the connections over lan and so far this is the only router i had problems with. I did reset it to ensure i didn’t screw up any default settings, but i can’t get it to work.

What i have seen/did:

  • Shutdown my firewall on both pc’s
  • On the host client the beacon is listening on port 14001
  • On the joining client packages are send to with a query packet and a reply is received on its local ip at port 14001 again, but the result is empty.
  • As soon as i switch to another router it instantly works (even while switching connection while the game is already running)

Are there any things i could investigate further or configure?

It seems my network got screwed up… after rebooting both my router and laptop it did resolve itself… i still do not know the cause.