Landscape Mirror Tool - Where is it?

I just updated to 4.10.

In the updates it says:
Landscape Updates:
Landscape Mirror Tool. Easily make symmetrical landscapes!

Seems like it’s really easy to use, but I can’t find it.

Anyone know where it is?
I’ve googled about for it and searched on the forums but couldn’t find any info regarding where it is. I could probably figure out how to use it, but I have to find it first.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi ,

new tool can be found under the Landscape Tool Mode > Sculpting Tools > Mirror

Once selected you’ll get the options to adjusting the selected landscapes mirroring.

Play around with the settings and options. It’s not hard to figure out after a couple of minutes of testing with it.

Thank you!


Thank you very much, Tim.

It truly is super easy to use.

“problem” is resolved.
(Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to mark it so.)