Launcher fails to install

Can’t seem to get the launcher to install. I’ve been getting these errors. I went through the troubleshooting steps and have attached the log file also.

Same problem with me Pls Help

Hi fraxyl,

Try the troubleshooting steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

If nothing works, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs. Post them here, along with your Dxdiag/system specs.

Hi fraxyl,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that I mentioned above then post back here with the requested info.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask.

Maybe you should read the log I already attached before telling me to submit the log you ask to attach. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have the same problem

Got it fixed (or at least worked for me). Try this

Hi Fraxyl,

My apologies, that was an oversight on my part. Could you please verify that you are attempting to install the launcher while using admin privileges? Did you (or do you currently) have an older version of the launcher installed on your system? If you do, could you please uninstall it first prior to installing the new version? The logs you provided indicate that an older version may be part of the problem.

I did have an older version installed, it was on a HDD that died, I can no longer uninstall it, because it’s not there and the uninstaller stopped working. I have been going through the registry to clear any references to it. At the moment there are around 200 or so entries relating to UI resources, it’s taking a while to delete all the keys.

Hi fraxyl,

Based on the logs, it appears that the older install might be what’s causing the issue. I’ve submitted a JIRA ticket on the issue (OPP-4790) and will keep you updated as soon as I have more information.

Hi fraxyl,

I have an update. It looks like the registry has gotten corrupted by an invalid install of an old launcher. Let’s start with the easiest route. See if you can user this MS tool:

This should allow you to clean up the old Epic registry entries that are causing the problem. If this does not work, please reply back.

That’s not supported for Windows 10. Hopefully they’ll remedy that someday.

I’m trying the steps suggested here to see if they work:
Will let you know how that goes.

The first two steps worked! The epic client is installed and updating. :smiley:

Follow this link I only went as far as step 5. sfc /scannow and it fixed my install problems.