Bringing a project to the new version

I have 4.8 version project. Earlier I could bring it from 4.6 and 4.7 properly. Now, when I tried to open it with UE4.10.0, UE4 say me that my project missing “UE4Editor-BoomNet.dll” module (BoomNet is the name of my project) and ask me do I want rebuild the module or don’t. I have no choice. Then UE4 tries to rebuild and fails (“BoomNet could not be compiled”). And say that I should try to rebuild manually from source. How can I do it?

I have Visual Studio 2013. But if I open my project and try “Rebuild solution”, then Visual Studio get failed, because it tries to find UE4.8. And I have already deleted this version

Have this message:
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(43,5): error MSB3073: The command ““C:\Program Files\UnrealLauncher\Unreal Engine\4.8\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat” BoomNetEditor Win64 Development “D:\Programming\UnrealPapko\Projects\BoomNet\BoomNet.uproject” -rocket” exited with code 3.

You are probably using a deprecated API.

You need to generate the Visual Studio UE4 4.10 project. In Windows:

  • Go to your project’s folder
  • Right click on the uproject file and select Switch Unreal Engine Version …
  • Choose 4.10 from the dropdown menu and click OK
  • Right click on the uproject file and select Generate Visual Studio Files
  • Once the generation is done, open the Visual Studio project
  • Build your project

You will then get errors on what exactly is failing in the compilation process.

This operation failed with this log:

Running C:/Program Files/UnrealLauncher/Unreal Engine/4.10/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“D:/Programming/UnrealPapko/Projects/BoomNet/BoomNet.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…

ERROR: Couldn’t find module rules file for module ‘BoomNet’.

Which operation?

Switch Unreal Engine Version. I choosed 4.10, then the operation started and then failed

Did you have the project open?

Yes, I tried to open it. And I’ve seen that window where I had to choose version. But now everything is closed, just Epic games launcher is opened

You might want to take a look here How can I resolve the error "Couldn't find target rules file for target 'MyProjectName'" when building a project? - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hm… I created the file Games.uprojectdirs in C:\Program Files\UnrealLauncher\Unreal Engine\4.10

And I writed inside:

What should I do next to apply changes? If I try to “Switch Unreal Engine Version” again, I got choose-engine-version-window again and again. Pressing OK doesn’t work.

I would try creating a new C++ unreal project using 4.10 and see if you run into the same problems. That would help us figure out if it is a Unreal set up problem, or if it is project specific.

Are you using the epic launcher version of 4.10? If so, do you have Visual Studio 2015 installed?

Mmm, so I have to have visual studio 2015? I have just 2013 one…

If to say true, I only developed my project with blueprints. Either I created c++ project by mistake or I created blueprint project, but have tried to add c++ classes. It was long time ago, so I don’t remember. So, is there some way to launch my project as blueprint project? Or it’s impossible and this project always will be c++ project?

You need Visual Studio 2015 for code projects when you use the Epic Launcher version of 4.10 (if you built ue4 from source you wouldn’t have this limitation).

If you don’t want to get 2015, your could try to convert the project back to blueprint only, although I don’t know if that’s possible. One experiment you can make, is to copy your project, and in that copy remove both the Source and Plugins folders. Then try to reload this copy from the launcher. Proceed at your own risk, since I haven’t tried this before.

It might also be worth it to post another question in he forum concerning converting a c++ project to blueprints only.

I’m already installing VS 2015 right now.

Anyway, I often just rename my folder “Source” into “Source1”, because I just can’t package my project when the project have it inside. I think I’ll create another question some time after.

When I have installed VS 2015 and tried to convert my project again, I’ll message here

Okay, I put Games.uprojectdirs into my project folder. Hope that’s right. Issue with entirely-repeating message was solved. But now when I tried to open the project through UE4 engine, I got a message with a choice: open a project in the old folder or create a copy and recompile project there. I chosed a copy. And then I got this:

Project files could not be generated. Log output:

Running C:/Program Files/UnrealLauncher/Unreal Engine/4.10/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -progress -2015
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: …..\Engine\Source\Programs\EnvVarsToXML/EnvVarsToXML\EnvVarsToXML.csproj doesn’t exist!

Okay… And now when I try to “Switch Unreal Engine Version” or “Generate Visual Studio Files”, I got the same message:

ERROR: Couldn’t find module rules file for module ‘BoomNet’.

I’m out of ideas, sorry Defale


I’m really sorry, pgomes. I just now look through source folder and found “strange” file “BoomNet.Build1.cs”. I deleted “1” and everything works fine! Oh creep…

It seems that I desided to eliminate this file, because it didn’t let me package my project, and I forgot to rename it back. Oh I’m really sorry. I think It’s necessary to delete this question. Hope, none except me will rename source files =D

It might still be worth to leave it. I would suggest that you create an answer for other people that might have a similar problem.