VR commands unrecognized / 4.10 runtime 0.8 Win10

The VR commands (“stereo on”, “hmd enable”, “ovrversion”) are unrecognized by UE4 when typed, with UE4 4.10. I have the 0.8 Oculus runtime and work with Windows 10.

This has been tested both on the VR template (the one from github) and on brand new projects from the UE templates, as well as on my projects. The weird thing is, the VR Preview works (it launches a preview with the Oculus) but no other VR feature does. So impossible to launch the game in standalone mode and activate the rift with “stereo on” for example.

Of course I made all the sanity checks. I have the right runtime, the Oculus plugin is flagged as “activated” in UE4, and so on. I made a thread on Reddit about my problem (seen here) and another user seems to have the same problem (seen here).

(Note that I also had issues with VR in 4.9, when I typed “stereo on” the screen would turn black. Didn’t seem like the command was unrecognized though, and the VR Preview worked as well. I switched to 4.10 hoping it would solve the bug)

Hello LaP0573,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report ( UE-23430) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day