C++ How to fire projectile at mouse cursor in Top Down Template

I’m trying to get my character to shoot a projectile at where I click with my cursor in C++. Im using the top down template.

If I could get the position for the mouse click I could create a Vector from the player to the position and add this as velocity to the projectile.

The projectile flys towards the camera when I click in the position of the blue mouse click.

Function code.

void ARaiderCharacter::OnFire()
	// Get the coordinates of the mouse from our controller  
	float LocationX;
	float LocationY;
	APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
	PlayerController->GetMousePosition(LocationX, LocationY);
	FVector2D MousePosition(LocationX, LocationY);

	FVector LaunchDir;

	FHitResult Hit;
	Controller->CastToPlayerController()->GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECC_Visibility, false, Hit);

	if (Hit.bBlockingHit){
		if (Hit.Actor != NULL){
			LaunchDir = Hit.ImpactPoint;

	// try and fire a projectile
	if (ProjectileClass != NULL)
		// Get the camera transform
		FVector CameraLoc;
		FRotator CameraRot;
		GetActorEyesViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
		// MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the camera to find the final muzzle position
		FVector const MuzzleLocation = CameraLoc + FTransform(CameraRot).TransformVector(MuzzleOffset);
		FRotator MuzzleRotation = CameraRot;
		MuzzleRotation.Pitch += 0.0f;          // skew the aim upwards a bit
		UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
		if (World)
			FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
			SpawnParams.Owner = this;
			SpawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;
			// spawn the projectile at the muzzle
			AProjectile* const Projectile = World->SpawnActor<AProjectile>(ProjectileClass, MuzzleLocation, MuzzleRotation, SpawnParams);
			if (Projectile)
				// find launch direction
				FVector const LaunchDir = Hit.ImpactPoint;

This is how I fixed my problem.

void ARaiderCharacter::OnFire()
	// Get the coordinates of the mouse from our controller  
	float LocationX;
	float LocationY;
	APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(GetController());
	PlayerController->GetMousePosition(LocationX, LocationY);
	FVector2D MousePosition(LocationX, LocationY);

	FVector LaunchDir;

	FHitResult Hit;
	//Controller->CastToPlayerController()->GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECC_Visibility, false, Hit);
	Controller->CastToPlayerController()->GetHitResultUnderCursor(ECC_Visibility, false, Hit);

	if (Hit.bBlockingHit){
		if (Hit.Actor != NULL){
			LaunchDir = Hit.ImpactPoint;

	// try and fire a projectile
	if (ProjectileClass != NULL)
		// Get the camera transform
		FVector CameraLoc;
		FRotator CameraRot;
		GetActorEyesViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
		// MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the camera to find the final muzzle position
		FVector const MuzzleLocation = CameraLoc + FTransform(CameraRot).TransformVector(MuzzleOffset);
		FRotator MuzzleRotation = CameraRot;
		MuzzleRotation.Pitch += 0.0f;          // skew the aim upwards a bit
		UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
		if (World)
			FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
			SpawnParams.Owner = this;
			SpawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;
			// spawn the projectile at the muzzle
			AProjectile* const Projectile = World->SpawnActor<AProjectile>(ProjectileClass, MuzzleLocation, MuzzleRotation, SpawnParams);
			if (Projectile)
				// find launch direction
				FVector const LaunchDir = (Hit.ImpactPoint - MuzzleLocation).GetSafeNormal();