Placing water in tiled landscape

I have just started the creation of a large 8*8km tiled landscapem, and are getting to grips with understanding that they work as separate levels to and extent. However my landscape is a series of islands, and there needs to be ocean around them. I am using the ocean blueprint from the water planes pack.

My question is do i need to place an individual blueprint in each of the tiles, and if so is it each blueprint going to be contained within that level and disappear when the tile is unloaded? Or do i just need to place one blueprint in the center of the landscape and scale it to cover all tiles, and it will exist all the time regardless of what tiles are loaded? I expect similar solutions to be applied to lighting as well, as i will eventually be applying ambient weather and time of day so i expect the same question will arise for that.

Thanks in advance. :smiley:

As for the water, you can probably place it in the persistent level and have it exist at all times. However, for lighting…you’ll want to bake static lights-per level and have dynamic lights (usually the sun for time of day) exist in the persistent level.

How would the static lights in the levels sync up with the dynamic “time of day” light in the persistent level? I am very new to this, but from my perspective this seems counter intuitive, as static lights in each of the tiles will be lighting that tile irrespective of what the dynamic light is doing?

Hmm, not sure what you mean. If you mean that the lights will keep lighting regardless of the dynamic light, then yes, but that should happen. A fire burning does not stop emitting light if the sun is out and a lamp does not stop emitting light if the sun is out. Their specific effects are less “obvious” on the real world, but the same case will happen in the game world.