Setting default map for standalone game

I can’t seem to change the default map used in a standalone game (launched via right-clicking on the .uproject and selecting “Launch Game”). I’ve tweaked the following:





All of these now point to my map; however, even after a full recompile & re-cook, the standalone game still loads Example_Map, as does the editor. What am I missing?


The way to accomplish setting default maps is now accomplished through the editor:

Edit > Project Settings > Maps

And select the preferred Game Default Map from the dropdown list.


For me, changing “Game Default Map” to my map was not enough. Packaging was still complaining that there was no DefaultMap, and switched to using “Entry”

I also had to “Set as Default”, which write in the “DefaultEngine.ini” of my project the lines:


And now Packaging does not complain anymore:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows): BuildCookRun.GetDefaultMap: Looking for DefaultMap in C:\Users\SRombauts\Documents\Unreal Projects\BasicCodeProject\Config\DefaultEngine.ini
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows): BuildCookRun.GetDefaultMap: Found DefaultMap=/Game/MyBasicMap


I’m having the same issue. Just changing “Game Default Map” doesn’t work, it didn’t even change the “GameDefaultMap” variable in DefaultEngine.ini, only after clicking on “Set as Default” that my changes were written. Is this a bug?

Due to its age, I will be closing this post. If you still need any assistance with this issue, or a similar one, please post a new question.