AnswerHub: JavaScript Errors

AnswerHub has JavaScript errors for multiple weeks now, but today it got even more and some functions do not work anymore.

For starters, the preview below does not work.
The call
Responds with 301 to

My profile page get’s the following JS error:

TypeError: $(…).popover is not a function line 144 > eval
Line 3

The profile page also tries to load two non-https CSS which are blocked by the browser: jquery-ui.css and ui.theme.css

Then I’m not able to delete posts, because of the JS error:
TypeError: $.tmpl is not a function
Line 321

editing a comment does not work, because it also does a 301 to

It doesn’t surprise me that AnswerHub is very slow at the moment, since this csrfAttackDetected loads the complete page on every little AJAX Call (!).

I tested with FireFox 42.0 and Chrome 46.0.2490.86 m
Just write if you need me as external tester

… I’m sorry for the formatting, but you know, I’m flying blind right now :slight_smile:

Oh, sending a comment does work in a technical sense, but the Text Area never closes, suggesting it didn’t do anything - because of

TypeError: $(…).tmpl is not a function
Line 321

Retest today: The csrfAttackDetected seems to be fixed. The JS Error in the delete and preview functionaly are gone too.

But I get the following error on every page. I actually got this one before. I doesn’t seem to influence the functionality though.

TypeError: i18n.prop is not a function

Line 1

Hi ,

Thanks for the reports. We were aware and working on the issues yesterday which you mentioned, and they were resolved. I’ll follow up with our online team regarding the one error message you still see.
