Editable values reset on placed actors

Hey there,

got an annoying ‘bug’. Don’t even know if it’s a bug, but it’s pretty annoying.

I got a baseclass “LevelNode” and different childs of it. The baseclass has a struct with Actor References to other LevelNodes and a few other variables, like texts, bools, etc.

The childs are placed in the map and connected by filling in the struct references. Like “Left level” etc.

Example pictures:


Filling in these information is a lot of work as soon as you have a few of them in your level.

Now, from time to time, without me knowing what i could cause, these variables reset to their default values.

I’m not even touching the LevelNode classes. Neither the base nor the child classes. So i need to fill out all of the data again and again. Is that a bug? Also had this in 4.9, but after updating to 4.10 it didn’t change.

If nothing helps, i can provide the project, but as i said above, it doesn’t happen every time, so you might need to play around with it till you find the result.

Hello ,

I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed set of steps to reproduce this issue on our end (I understand it doesn’t happen everytime, however the steps still help)?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved?
  1. I don’t think so. It’s only appearing at random times, but i might have at least an idea WHEN it could happen.

  2. Well i can tell you what the setup is about, but i don’t think that the setup alone is causing this.

  3. I will tomorrow.

I have a BaseClass. It has the following variables:

A struct with 4 reference variables of the BaseClass type, called left-, right-, top- and bottomlevel. A string or name variable for the name. 2 ints for World and Level Number and an int called NodeNumber.

Name and the World/LevelNumber are just to display them on the UI. NodeNumber is to have all Nodes ordered from 0 to n-1 (n Nodes in total).

And the 4 reference variables are there to link other Nodes that are connected to the current one. So i can have 4 different ways i can move to the next node.

Here is a video of the system (starts at 00:08) - YouTube

The nodes where the Character stops, that are the level nodes. Like a Super Mario overworld.

And these nodes are placed in the world. And the values just reset from time to time. I will try around if i can find the cause and try to redo this in a client project, but i highly doubt that i can reproduce this in a clean project ):

Well, thanks for your time so far, since it’s weekend we will read at monday (: Have a nice weekend Rudy!

Oh i forgot. I might think that this happens as soon as i compile the AI Controller that is controlling the Character. I have no idea why, because the AI controller is just working with an Array of all nodes and an index of the current node (that’s what the NodeNumber is for). If i press RIGHT, the Controller gets the Current Node from the Array, checks if the RightLevel in the Struct is valid, and then tells the controlled pawn to move there.

So no idea why the Controller COULD cause the reset, but i will check that over the weekend!

Hello ,

Thank you for the information that you have provided. When you get a chance to share your screen shots I believe these will help further narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing. Also, could you explain a further what exactly it is in the video that I should be looking for?

Hello ,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.