How can I see code completion in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop?

Hey there! When I’m programming in VS2013 Express I don’t get any code completion. :frowning: I can’t install VS Assist X because it doesn’t work with Express, and I can’t afford to buy Visual Studio Professional. (500$$$ :O). Any help would be appreciated.

Take a look at Qt Creator, it has intellisense, and the assistance of VS Assist X built in. I’ve not used it but people on the forums are raving about it.

You won’t get the same quality of code completion with C++ as you would with languages like C# or Java because C++ code is more difficult for the tools to parse, however I have found that IntelliSense in VS Express 2013 works pretty well with UE code.

It won’t start working immediately however, it will take some time (several minutes) for IntelliSense to go through all the header files and build a database of symbol definitions. Check the status bar at the bottom of VS window, it should say something along the lines of “parsing definitions” when you open your projects, and when it’s done autocomplete should start working. Try simply opening your project in VS and leaving it open for a few minutes.