Use c# or Java in UE4?

Is there any way to use c# or Java in UE4 instead of c++ both are OOP languages and easier. No mono isn’t active so please don’t talk about it. BY step do I can really do a complex game just using blueprints a really complex game like a FPS with AAA quality?

No, you can’t use Java or C# in UE4.

Yes, you can create a complete AAA game using purely blueprints.

Slayemin any way to contact you, got few questions to ask.

[email address removed]

Send me a private message instead.

C++ is also OOP and UE4 make it even more OOP;]

Don’t post email publicly, it will be spidered and spamed by web robots. You could send him PM via forum

Good call. I’ll change my post.

how do I private msg here?

go to the forums section, look up my name, and then send me a private message.

I’m not sure, why it’s being said that one cannot use other languages, it all depends on what you are wanting to do, I would think.

For myself, I fully plan on using Java for some server code initially. This is to have embedded databases (Derby), so that the amount of hacking that can be done, is well next to nothing, as there will be no “userids” etc, that can be “logged into” and have the ability to access the database. This may take some “bridge” code out of UE4 to be able to talk to a Java process. But I have seen nothing in UE4 that would “prevent” it.

This is only one example, but the basic concept would be the same for anything, if you want to use other languages, then “bridge out” using C++ or straight C, all that really needs to happen, is for UE4 to accept a “DLL” or to get a “DLL” loaded that can talk to UE4, and to talk to the target “language”, and your in business.

I am NOT saying this will be trivial to start with, but once the foundation for the “bridge” is laid in place, it should be able to be used for all functions that one wants, with either trivial or no extensions.

Just my thoughts,