Why doesn't play animation never work after the first trigger to Begin Overlap event?

I have a custom blueprint Actor contains a skeletal mesh, in the blueprint I hava this connections:


When I overlap with the Actor for the first time,the Play Animation node works well,but when I trigger the Begin Overlap event again,Play Animation never works,the skeletal actor stay still forever。I’m new to animation system, may be I’m doing something in a wrong way, any suggestion is appreciated,thanks!

Take a look at this question, I think he was trying to do something similar: [LINK][1]. I think if you set the Animation Mode to ‘Use Animation Blueprint’ before attempting to play your animation each time, it will work as expected. Like so:

Hi Ray,
Thanks for your reply, I tried the method and that did the trick! I think like the link in your post, it is a animation state issue, I’ll do more reasearch on this topic.
Thanks again:)